Our Latest Guest

Hal Ackerman, Screenwriter-Novelist-UCLA Professor-Session 2-Episode #333

Hal Ackerman is making his second appearance on StoryBeat. Hal spent thirty years teaching screenwriting in UCLA’s legendary screenwriting program.

David Paul Kirkpatrick, Former President of Paramount Pictures-Episode #332

David Paul Kirkpatrick is the former Walt Disney Studios production chief and also the former president of Paramount Pictures. He’s worked on more than 200 motion pictures and their screenplays, including such global franchises as Indiana Jones and Star Trek.

Theresa Griffin Kennedy, Writer-Editor-Episode #331

Theresa Griffin Kennedy is a longtime Portland, Oregon writer, author and occasional poet.  She works as a proofreader, developmental editor and is chief editor of Oregon Greystone Press.

Ana Benitez, Co-Founder, President of Storyrocket.com-Episode #330

Ana Benitez is one of the founders of Storyrocket.com, a leading internet site where thousands of writers from around the world showcase their works to producers and agents.  Ana’s mission is to help educate writers on how to get their stories seen by producers and agents. As such, she’s an impassioned author’s advocate for the entertainment community. She also works hard at leading Storyrocket’s brand expansion and partnerships.

R.J. Stewart, Producer, Xena: Warrior Princess-Episode #329

R.J. Stewart spent more than 20 years as a writer and producer in Hollywood. He got his first break writing for the NBC romantic-detective drama, Remington Steele that starred Pierce Brosnan and Stephanie Zimbalist.  He’s best known for developing, writing and producing Xena: Warrior Princess (starring Lucy Lawless), once the highest-rated television show in syndication.

Rob Marshall, Director-Producer-Choreographer-Episode #299 Encore

This is an encore of our episode with the great director, Rob Marshall. He has made numerous films that have been honored with a total of 30 Academy Award nominations — winning 9 in all, including Best Picture for “Chicago,” which alone won a total of 6 of those Oscars.

StoryBeat with Steve Cuden logo

StoryBeat with Steve Cuden is a lively podcast dedicated to a variety of storytellers discussing their unique process in creating art through storytelling. By listening to how successful creators develop and bring their work to life, writers and artists of all kinds are able to find great inspiration. StoryBeat focuses more on the “how” and “why” of creation rather than finished results, providing insight into the working world of storytellers and storytelling in all forms of artistic expression.

What Our Guests are Saying…

Talking with Steve was a lot of fun, he asked great questions, and I really enjoyed being part of StoryBeat. I have listened to many of the other podcasts on StoryBeat and I am amazed at how much I have learned from others’ stories and experiences. Steve and I have been friends for many, many, years, and it was truly a gift to be part of the show.

Renee Hoss-Johnson

Listen to Renee's StoryBeat interview

I had a grand time being interviewed by Steve Cuden on The StoryBeat podcast. Steve has a relaxed manner, and his questions were fun to answer.

Ken Fallin

Listen to Ken's StoryBeat interview

Conversing with the smart and funny Steve Cuden on StoryBeat was a delight. I was honored to be asked back to do the show again, and each time the experience was smooth and fun. Listening back to the recordings, I feel that these two talks with Steve were the best of my many interviews, as he knows how to have a conversation that draws you out and I always feel free to speak my mind about artistic pursuits. And Steve’s a good laugher, too. All in all a blast! I would be on the podcast anytime!

Stephen Cole

Listen to Stephen's StoryBeat interview

I’ve been a guest on countless shows and podcasts, but none cover my subjects as smoothly and fully—and are as much fun—as StoryBeat. Kudos to Cuden!

Charles Rosenay

Listen to Charles' StoryBeat interview

It was a true joy to be on StoryBeat and speak with Steve about our shared passion for storytelling.

Joey Hartstone

Listen to Joey's StoryBeat interview

This was AMAZING to listen to. Wow…we talked about things in a way I NEVER have before. We went deep.

You asked such great questions, truly listened, and well directed our conversation. This is a spectacular example of a GREAT show and GREAT host. Thank you, thank you.

You are superb.

Debbi Dachinger

"Dare to Dream" Podcast

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Recent Guests on StoryBeat with Steve Cuden

Ana Benitez, Co-Founder, President of Storyrocket.com-Episode #330

Ana Benitez, Co-Founder, President of Storyrocket.com-Episode #330

Ana Benitez is one of the founders of Storyrocket.com, a leading internet site where thousands of writers from around the world showcase their works to producers and agents.  Ana’s mission is to help educate writers on how to get their stories seen by producers and agents. As such, she’s an impassioned author’s advocate for the entertainment community. She also works hard at leading Storyrocket’s brand expansion and partnerships.

storybeat with steve cuden

Your Host: Steve Cuden

Steve is perhaps best known for co-conceiving the Broadway and international hit musical, Jekyll & Hyde, The Musical. He wrote the show’s original book and lyrics with renowned composer, Frank Wildhorn. Steve and Frank also co-conceived the international hit musical, Rudolf, Affaire Mayerling. Steve has written ninety teleplays including episodes of such well-known television series as: X-Men, The Batman, Iron Man, Xiaolin Showdown, Pink Panther, The Mask, Loonatics Unleashed, Extreme Ghostbusters, Goof Troop, Gargoyles, and Beetlejuice. He has published two popular books on scriptwriting, Beating Broadway: How to Create Stories for Musicals That Get Standing Ovations, and Beating Hollywood: Tips for Creating Unforgettable Screenplays.  He directed and co-produced the multi-award-winning horror-comedy movie, Lucky, for which he won the award for Best Director at the Nodance Film Festival. Lucky also won the awards for Best Feature at Shriekfest in L.A., The New York City Horror Film Festival, MicroCineFest in Baltimore, and the Weekend of Fear in Nuremberg, Germany. Steve is a co-executive producer of the TV series “The Power of Film.” He is a retired Assistant Professor of Screenwriting at Point Park University, where he proudly taught numerous talented students about how to tell unforgettable stories for the screen.

Acknowledgements & Special Thanks

We would like to acknowledge and thank the following companies and individuals for their generous support in introducing numerous outstanding guests to StoryBeat.

Special thanks to the following individuals for referring so many great guests to StoryBeat:
Jonathan White, Myla Lichtman Fields, Christopher Hatton, Robert Crane
Executive Producer: Steve Cuden
Producer: Casey Georgi
Announcer: Javier Grajeda
Social Media: Mina Hoffman
Website & Marketing: Holly Reed, Reed Creative Group