Steve Cuden on the “Why I’ll Never Make It” Podcast with Patrick Oliver Jones

Embark on an enlightening journey with writer Steve Cuden in this captivating podcast interview hosted by Patrick Oliver Jones on “Why I’ll Never Make It.” Join Patrick, who brings on guests to explore the setbacks and challenges faced by actors and creative professionals, challenging the notion of success in the entertainment industry. In part one of their conversation, Steve candidly discusses his personal and professional relationship with composer Frank Wildhorn during the early stages of the iconic musical “Jekyll & Hyde.” In part two, delve into Steve’s extensive television career, where he’s written for acclaimed shows like The Avengers, Biker Mice From Mars, Extreme Ghostbusters, and Pocket Dragon Adventures. Gain invaluable insights into crafting engaging stories that resonate deeply with audiences and hold personal significance for the writer. Tune in to discover the triumphs and trials of a seasoned creative, guided by the astute questions and engaging dialogue of host Patrick Oliver Jones.

Why I‘ll Never Make It<br />Steve Cuden (Part 1) Leaving the Jekyll & Hyde He Helped Create

While I'll Never Make It (Part 1)

Steve Cuden on Leaving the Jekyll & Hyde He Helped Create

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Why I‘ll Never Make It Steve Cuden (Part 2) Discovers His Talent for Animation Writing & The Art of StoryBeats

While I'll Never Make It (Part 2)

Steve Cuden Discovers His Talent for Animation Writing & The Art of StoryBeats

Click here to listen