Margy Whitmer produced the beloved TV series, Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, for many years. After production ended in 2001, she continued on with Fred Rogers Productions, producing live-action segments for Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood through the end of 2018, after...
Bill Isler is President Emeritus of Fred Rogers Productions and a longtime educator and advocate for children. He began his career as a teacher and administrator, and later joined the Pennsylvania Department of Education, where he served as Executive Assistant to the...
Legendary jazz guitarist, Joe Negri, began performing on radio at the age of three, playing the ukulele and singing. In the 1940s, he toured nationally and was featured with the Shep Fields Orchestra, before joining the Army for two years. After returning home to...
David Newell is an actor known primarily for his portrayal of the beloved Mr. McFeely, the deliveryman on Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. Mr. McFeely’s most famous catchphrase is “Speedy Delivery!” He toured the country as Mr. McFeely until 2015,...