Christopher Hatton, Writer-Director-Producer-Episode #237

Mar 14, 2023 | 4 comments

Christopher Hatton is a writer-director-producer based in Singapore.  His work ranges from sci-fi to drama to action to animation. He’s created projects in North America, the U.K., Europe and Asia.

He recently completed writing, directing, and producing Raven’s Hollow, an ambitious period thriller based on events in the life of a young Edgar Allan Poe.   I’ve seen Raven’s Hollow and can tell you it’s a terrifically entertaining, beautifully rendered, quite eerie mystery-horror-thriller.

Some of Christopher’s other credits include Battle of the Damned with Dolph Lundgen, the robots-gone-berserk thriller Robotropolis, Cyber Wars with genre legend David Warner, Phantom Racer, and the first draft screenplay for what would become Shanghai Noon, among many others.

Christopher earned an MFA in Playwriting from the University of Iowa where he took time out from writing plays to submit an unsolicited spec script to Star Trek: The Next Generation, which wound up being produced as a two-part episode.  This was immediately followed by the sale of a pitch to Star Trek, which brought him to Los Angeles where he secured an agent and never wrote a stage play again.




Executive Producer: Steve Cuden, Producer: Casey Georgi, Announcer: Javier Grajeda
Social Media: Mina Hoffman, Design & Marketing: Holly Reed, Reed Creative Group


  1. Christy Wilkens

    Steve, your episode #237 with Christopher Hatton was really, really good! I actually went to high school with Chris (dated his best friend for a bit), and let me tell you … Earl Hougham, our English teacher, absolutely adored him. My aspirations were to be a writer, and I went on to get my degree in technical journalism, so I was always watching Chris and what he did. He probably had no clue on that one, lol. This interview was entertaining and full of “things to think on.” Anyway, now that Chris hooked me up with this site, I will browse more of your guest interviews. Thank you!

    • Steve Cuden

      Thanks so very much, Christy! Always great to hear from friends of the guests! I agree with you 100%. Chris is a real talent and I’m so glad we get to enjoy that!

      Thanks for listening!


  2. Christopher Chance

    Hi Steve, your interview with Chris Hatton was truly outstanding and entertaining; especially the constructive questioning, which brings out the best traits of really interesting and skilled writers such as Chris Hatton.
    Fortunately I know Chris from a previous project we worked on and I learned a lot from his skills.
    I thoroughaly enjoyed your style of getting the best out of your work with Chris Hatton.
    Many thanks to both of you.
    Happy Easter,
    Christopher Chance.

    • Steve Cuden

      Hi Christopher,

      Thanks so much for this wonderful, encouraging comment. As you know, Chris Hatton is not just a great guest, he’s a terrific person. I’m so glad you enjoyed the episode! I deeply appreciate your listening and the positive note! Best, Steve


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